Over the past four years of working in San Francisco. And I believe blogging writing would accelerate learning even further. But then, why do I want to write not on Facebook, Twitter, or Medium but on my website?

While Facebook, Instagram, etc., are great ways to share moments and thoughts with friends and exchange ideas, it was not a space where I could be more honest and vulnerable and create a more thoughtful form of writing. The act of sharing moments and status gives me instant connection and gratification from “likes,” but I did not feel they were something that provided meaning in my life. I also worry that scrolling and merely consuming have caused me to get distracted easily and have slowly reduced my ability to focus, think critically, and properly structure rhetoric.

Instead of hosting it on Medium, I wrote this website as a static website with gatsby.js. I hosted it on Linode behind an Nginx proxy. I will use this website to blog, learn frontend web development, and host other personal projects. While I don’t care much about attracting audiences, for now, I plan to build a script to get the content to be cross-listed on Medium.

I felt this was the moment to start writing to grow further as a software engineer, not just through something on my resume. I have always wanted to be a good writer and believe I have stories and ideas to share. It is time to stop self-questioning, worrying about, and sharing myself with the world.